The 'Today's Job' thread



Well-known member

Managed to get a 12mm x 140mm roll pin from local agri place to retain the King post pin ,should do for now but it ideally wants a 12mm x 160mm to get plenty in housing ..can't seem to see one online , @V8Druid bet you know where I can order one :)


do it as well as you can,but learn to do it better
This is rural France everything is miles away apart from agri dealers :)
but you have a great postal service in France :giggle:(y)

View attachment 66286
Managed to get a 12mm x 140mm roll pin from local agri place to retain the King post pin ,should do for now but it ideally wants a 12mm x 160mm to get plenty in housing ..can't seem to see one online , @V8Druid bet you know where I can order one :)
M12 x 160 x 12.9 SHCS .. buy a handful and keep an eye on it


Well-known member
Sun shine in Devon. Managed to sneak away from the day job for a few hours. Borrowed Kubota runs the bigger auger flight like a dream. Haven’t checked the exact specs but aware that it’s overpowered for the Auger so keeping it on tickover to reduce change of buggering it.
Back later to sort a gully and French drain, and then stone up levels. Will wait for a Sunday to clean out back onto to the road. We stopped using the gateway back in early 90s and it’s grown up with blackthorn since then. Annoyingly it’s not shown on any maps or deeds, so I’m expecting some nosy neighbour to dob me in to council :)


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Well-known member
Sun shine in Devon. Managed to sneak away from the day job for a few hours. Borrowed Kubota runs the bigger auger flight like a dream. Haven’t checked the exact specs but aware that it’s overpowered for the Auger so keeping it on tickover to reduce change of buggering it.
Back later to sort a gully and French drain, and then stone up levels. Will wait for a Sunday to clean out back onto to the road. We stopped using the gateway back in early 90s and it’s grown up with blackthorn since then. Annoyingly it’s not shown on any maps or deeds, so I’m expecting some nosy neighbour to dob me in to council :)
Looks like it’s grown up with a load of earth too😂😂


Well-known member
Sun shine in Devon. Managed to sneak away from the day job for a few hours. Borrowed Kubota runs the bigger auger flight like a dream. Haven’t checked the exact specs but aware that it’s overpowered for the Auger so keeping it on tickover to reduce change of buggering it.
Back later to sort a gully and French drain, and then stone up levels. Will wait for a Sunday to clean out back onto to the road. We stopped using the gateway back in early 90s and it’s grown up with blackthorn since then. Annoyingly it’s not shown on any maps or deeds, so I’m expecting some nosy neighbour to dob me in to council :)
Not sure what model augertourque that is but my x2500 has taken some grief from 2.8t over the years. Keep expecting it to blow but it doesn't


Well-known member
Not sure what model augertourque that is but my x2500 has taken some grief from 2.8t over the years. Keep expecting it to blow but it doesn't
Mine is X1500 I think. Same dimensions as X2500 I believe. X1500 is rated 20-45lpm.
Kubota flow rate is fine, not sure about pressures though.
Bought to suit 8" flights on E10, its a bonus that the Kubota Manual hitch will share buckets as long as loose pin. All 30mm, just different centres.

