the forecast nice day had vanished this morning and looked like it was gonna get real wet any minute, so plans changed first thing to anything I could abandon - quickly
finished sorting / relocating misc. bits from off/under the collapsing bench - found a few more things I'd forgotten about
couple of things from under it - anyone into old fuel cans? free to a good home, or I'll bung it on ebay ... needs some TLC
- ex GPO phone engineers van - std issue, late 50s/early 60s
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now who can tell me what this is off
have had this sat in various places since the early 80s and loathe to chuck it -- a right cuminfa
.. might find a use for it one day
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then Pam presented me with two crammed barrowloads of brambles and weeds .. bin'd been full to the top of chainsaw chips last night when I set it going, but still enough left to get them going with a pint of hydraulic to help 'em along and a good S Westerly blowing........
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searched out some hoses and fittings to create some adaptors to see if I couldn't get Lil' Jake to run the splitter ..
be nice to get the gnarly crud split and in the dry, 'fore it lashed it down -- mission accomplished ...
found some new lines, new 1/2" ISO-A-s and a set of 1/2" FFS and persuaded 'em all together onto the breaker circuit
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then I had to get the splitter out from where I'd parked it last ... so woke up the 'Drema ... hoiked the collapsing bench out first ....
the advantages of a tiny bum on her are so handy .....
didn't even have to move
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and dumped it out where I could get at it to pull it to bits .
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then pulled the 'Drema round to where I could reach the splitter ....
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and put it down by Lil' Jake ..... at which point is started to drizzle
got the new lines coupled up, wound up Jake and pressed the breaker pedal gently with my hand and stalled him ????
odd - should've been a continuous free flow, through the splitter's spool valve and back to tank ... gave him some more rev.s and he continued to run but obviously loaded ??
checked all me plumbing -- yep - right - P to IN on the spool and
OUT to tank return on Jake ...
sod all happening at the spool - slitter ram not moving .....
not what I was expecting .. thought about it for a while - what was I missing???
So rang the guru
- Mr Mog - two heads're better than one - equally mystified - his best suggestion was the possibility of a faulty QC, which although they're all new, I had to agree with him - does happen - FFs are Holmbury, ISO-As are Flowfit ????
AND then it absolutely lashed it down and I took shelter in a box,
after, pulling the hoses from Jake, covering up the splitter and calling it a day ...
it has pi*s*d it down ever since
and is 'sposed to quit about 5 a.m. tomorrow,
so hopefully, I'll get to try the guru's suggestions tomorrow and whip the ISO-As out of the lines and straight connect 'em with some adaptors to the extension lines with just the Holmbury FFs to couple to Jake
If anyone else has any ideas .. please share
first thing I'm gonna try tomorrow is couple the P & T lines together on Jake, direct, to confirm free flow, 'fore pulling everything else to bits, in case it's a faulty QC on the dipper .........
but I did try each one with an open QC fitting, earlier today, without Jake running and got oil out of both open fittings ??????
had me flummoxed this afters
... hence the call to the guru
anyway .. we'll see tomorrow